The most common code snippet that I reuse is a LIBNAME statement that points to my project data. Define abbreviations for commonly used code But if you must for some crazy reason, don't select this option and sign a pact with your teammates for the same.ģ. If you must retain the TAB characters.well, my main advice is do not rely on TAB characters in your code file. This option will change TAB characters to spaces when you open the program file. Replace tabs with spaces on file open - a perfect passive-aggressive option when working with team members who disagree with your TAB world view.Insert spaces for tabs - when you press the TAB key, don't add a TAB character but instead add the specified number of space characters.Default is 4, but I like to use 2 as it makes my program lines less wide. Tab size - width of a tab character, represented in number of spaces.Most code editors have options that support your choice, regardless of which camp you choose. Tabs or spaces? Your choice here can have a significant effect on your earning potential, and perhaps even on your love life. Go to Program → Editor Options and select "Show line numbers" to turn them on. So of course, you should have line numbers displayed in the program editor. The SAS log often uses line numbers to reference problems in WARNINGs and ERRORs. We programmers like to count lines of code. How many of these do you already know and use? 1. Here are 10 program editor features that I've found essential while writing, editing, and debugging SAS programs. But we don't always take the time to explore as we should, so there might be a few golden nuggets of editor knowledge that have escaped you so far. To access the Find/Replace in Files dialog box, select Find and Replace on the Edit menu (or press Ctrl+ Shift+ F).If you spend a lot of time in SAS Enterprise Guide (as I do), you probably get to know its features pretty well. You can also search by file name extension. Not only can you search the current open file in the editor, but also all open documents, the entire solution, the current project, and selected folder sets.

Other tool windows that allow you to search their contents include Solution Explorer, the Properties window, and Team Explorer.

For example, you can filter the list of controls in the Toolbox window by entering text in the search box. You can use the Find control in code or text windows, such as Output windows and Find Results windows, by selecting Edit > Find and Replace or pressing Ctrl+F.Ī version of the Find control is also available in some tool windows. In the Show settings for list, select Text Editor, and then in the Display items list, select Find Match Highlight. To change the highlight color for matches, choose the Tools menu, select Options, and then choose Environment, and select Fonts and Colors. To replace all matches, choose the Replace All button. To make one replacement at a time, choose the Replace Next button next to the Replace text box. You can access replacement options by choosing the button next to the Find text box.